Tuesday, February 24, 2009


In osteoporosis, a metabolic bone disorder, the rate of bone resorption accelerates, while the rate of bone formation decelerates. The result is decreased bone mass. Bones affected by this disease lose calcium and phosphate and become porous, brittle, and abnormally vulnerable to fracture. Osteoporosis may be primary or secondary to an underlying disease.
Osteoporosis is often called the 'silent disease' is often also called porous bone at the time porous bone often occur without significant complaints. Osteoporosis is a disease with a marked reduction in bone mass, so that the bones become fragile and the risk of a fracture increases. In normal conditions, we also experienced bone porous followed by the formation of bone cells in the bone is porous. On osteoporosis, bone porous happen excessive and not followed the process enough so that the formation of the bones thin and become more fragile.
Osteoporosis (porous bone) is often called the 'silent disease' or the bone thief. This is because at the time bone porous often occur without any real complaints. To know new people with osteoporosis after the condition is quite severe by the body that crookback or broken bones. It is very important for us to know the risk factors of osteporosis, so that we can be vigilant and make efforts to prevention.

Type Of Osteoporosis
There are 2 types of Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis, namely primary and secondary. Osteoporosis Primary Osteoporosis is a kind of unknown cause.While Osteoporosis Secondary Osteoporosis is caused by other diseases, such as Hiperparatiroidisme, Hipertiroidisme, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, Cushing syndrome, the use of drugs kortikosteroid in long time (usually used by people with Asthma), diuretik drugs (usually used by people with hypertension), antikonvulsan drugs (anti-spastic), and others. Osteoporosis can occur secondary to the age of 40 years or younger, depending on the condition that the disease affects.

Osteoporosis risk factors:
Osteoporosis risk factors that can not be changed:
  • Women. Risk of osteoporosis in women more than men because, generally smaller bone mass and the menopause.
  • Age. Risk of osteoporosis increases each time the addition of 1,4-1,8 age 10 years.
  • Asian and Caucasus higher risk for osteoporosis than the African race.
  • Genetic factors. There is a history osteoporosis or fracture in the age more than 50 years in the family is also the occurrence of osteoporosis risk factors.
  • Some chronic diseases such as diabetes (diabetes), liver disease, kidney, chronic diarrhea and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis risk factors that can be changed:
  • Smoking habits and consumption of alcoholic beverages increase the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Feed calcium and vitamin D that is less important risk factor in osteoporosis.
  • Weigh less and less exercise (sports) higher risk of osteoporosis.
  • The use of drugs such as steroid, anti-convulsive drugs (Phenobarbital & Phenytoin), antasida containing aluminum, metotreksat, siklosporin A risk factor is the cause of osteoporosis because of extraction of calcium from the bones in the number of lots.

Depression and Osteoporosis
Some research proves, there is a close relationship between depression and osteoporosis. Reciprocal nature of the relationship back. The failure of people with osteoporosis choose coping mechanism in the face of rational keterbatasannya, will trigger the occurrence of depression. Conversely, the more often someone experiencing stress and depression, disregulasi will trigger the body's hormones, especially cortisol is bad for the osteophenia and osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis examination
To see the level of bone density and to detect Osteoporosis, can be done in a way to measure bone density using a tool called a Densitometer X-ray Absorptiometry. These two types, namely SXA (Single X-ray Absorptiomety) and DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry).
In addition to bone density examination, currently available laboratory examination to determine bone activity Remodelling the examination or CTx C-Telopeptide and N-Mid Osteocalcin. CTx or C-Telopeptide is the result of the disintegration of the bones is released into the blood so that it can be used to assess the process of crushing bones. While the N-Mid Osteocalcin is a protein which faction was formed by Osteoblas and a role in the process of bone formation.
By doing inspections or CTx C-Telopeptide and N-Mid Osteocalcin the activity can be Remodelling bone, and when the results of the examination showed abnormal results or imbalance occurs Remodelling the bones need to caution risk the occurrence of Osteoporosis or other bone disease possibility. In addition, the examination can also be used to monitor osteoporosis treatment, especially CTx treatment is used to monitor oral anti resorpsi treatment.

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